Ernst Ludwig Kirchner "Urteil des Paris/ Badende auf Fehmarn"
The painting Judgment of Paris by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner is one of the most significant works in the collection of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum and is among the most important paintings in Rhineland-Palatinate. It is one of Kirchner’s major works from the period just before the First World War. Extensive research has revealed that the painting originally belonged to the Jewish collector Alfred Hess, was unlawfully taken during the Nazi era, and therefore must be restituted. However, a fair and just solution was found with the heir: the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum was able to purchase the work for a price well below market value. This was made possible thanks to numerous donations and an interest-free loan from the Ernst von Siemens Foundation.
The Jewish shoe manufacturer Alfred Hess, who died in 1931, was a well-known art collector and patron and had built one of the most important collections of expressionist art in Germany. His son Hans Hess inherited the collection and fled Germany shortly after the Nazis came to power, first to France and later to Great Britain. Meanwhile, his mother Tekla Hess sent important parts of the significant art collection to an exhibition in Switzerland, first to Basel and later to Zurich, including the painting Judgment of Paris by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.
As a provenance report further states, she was forced in March 1937 to send this painting along with other works back to Germany, where she stored them at the Cologne Art Association. In 1939, she managed to emigrate to Great Britain. After the end of the Second World War, the Cologne Art Association informed her that the previously stored paintings had been destroyed or were no longer available.
It was only during the so-called Cologne Art Forgery Trial of 1949/50 that some of the supposedly destroyed paintings reappeared as stolen goods. During this criminal trial, it was revealed that both the then-hanging master of the Cologne Art Association and third parties had appropriated paintings from the Hess collection. Paintings found during police searches were returned to the Hess family after the conclusion of the criminal proceedings.
The painting Judgment of Paris by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was not among them and was not mentioned during the trial. The painting only reappeared in 1957 – in the possession of Wilhelm Hack. Along with other works, it became part of the Wilhelm-Hack-Foundation established in 1973.
Judgment of Paris is one of Kirchner’s major works from his time in Berlin, alongside The Street (Museum of Modern Art, New York), the Berlin Street Scene (restituted by the State of Berlin in 2006), and Potsdamer Platz (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Neue Nationalgalerie). Judgment of Paris stands out as an exceptional painting because it is painted on both sides: the reverse side shows five bathers on Fehmarn, where Kirchner spent his summers at that time. Thus, the scene in the urban apartment contrasts with the scene in the open nature.
The following institutions, foundations, companies, and private individuals supported the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein in the repurchase of the painting:
Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung*
Kulturstiftung der Länder
Dr. Harald Hack Stiftung
Marlene Hack
Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur
Bezirksverband Pfalz
RHEINPFALZ Verlag und Druckerei GmbH & Co KG
Manfred und Lino Fuchs
Förderkreis des Wilhelm-Hack-Museums
Sparkasse Vorderpfalz
Stiftung der ehemaligen Stadtsparkasse Ludwigshafen a Rh.
Marli Hoppe-Ritter
Helga Braun
Hafenbetriebe Ludwigshafen am Rhein GmbH
Hilmar Kopper
pbb Stiftung Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Timon Bauregie GmbH & Co. KG
VR Bank Rhein-Neckar eG
Jochen Lampert
Margret Suckale
Gerhard R. Wolf
Inner Wheel Club Ludwigshafen
Harmoniegesellschaft von 1803 e.V.
Günther Koch
Rotary Club Ludwigshafen-Rheinschanze
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz und Brigitte Eicher
Heinrich Hagenbucher
Ute und Dr. Bernhard Nick
Udo Werlé
Architektenkammer Rheinland-Pfalz, Dr. Rüdiger und Ulrike Beyer, Bettina Blohm, Werner Blohm, Werner und Annemarie Buchmann, Claudius Caesar, Gerhard Foelz, Gisela Marianne Görth, Dr. Eva Lohse, Dr. Helmuth und Renate Morgenthaler, Julia Nebenführ, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Reifenberg, Brigitte Röth, Stefan Röth, René Zechlin u.v.m.
*The city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein thanks the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung for a generous interest-free bridging loan in addition to direct funding.

Zoom #7
Ernst Ludwig kirchner
Urteil des Paris/Badende auf Fehrmarn
Verlag: Wienand Verlag
Preis: 24 Euro
ISBN 978-3-8632-686-4