Donors and Partners
A museum thrives on creativity and commitment. Art and museum can only be experienced and made permanent through a broad range of artistic efforts, through the ambitious activities of the museum staff as well as external financial and material support.
Become a partner of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum and assist our exhibitions and our programme. We can give shape to ideas and realise visions with your help. This can take the form of a sponsoring, a media partnership, a donation in kind or a monetary gift. We are pleased to hear suggestions and will gladly provide you with further information!
Benefactors looking for benefactors
With “benefactors looking for benefactors“ you have the opportunity, to support the restauration and conservation effort of the medival collection of the Wilhelm Hack Museum. Works of Art like the magnificent altarpiece (around 1470, Basel or Lower Austria) shown above, were only possible due the generosity of benefactors in the first place. With you as their “new“ benefactor we are able to preserve and restaure these timless pieces of medival art.